Jordan Cooper - Composer, Songwriter
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Jordan Cooper - Composer, Songwriter
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Jordan Cooper - Composer, Songwriter
Website for freelance songwriter and composer Jordan Cooper.
"No More Excuses," The Daily Show With Trevor Noah
R U Talkin’ REM RE: Me?, featured song throughout the series
Whiting Wongs, theme played by Dan Harmon and Jessica Gao
“The Jameson Job”
The Invincible Osiris Jackson, “Simple and Clean”
Fallout Chronicles (Faux Media Productions)
Trouble’s Afoot - Woke Up Dark, music video
Trouble’s Afoot - I Won’t Be There, music video
Trouble’s Afoot - Tom Dead, music video
Side Talk, opening/closing themes (Chepookah Productions)
Wisycom (Launch Commercial, Gotham Sound)
DemerBox (Launch Commercial, Gotham Sound)
The Adventures of Craig, Winner, 2012 Parameter Short Film Contest
Tim Warner: A Life in the Clouds (2004), writer/director/composer